Twitter to Launch Real Time Analytics Service?

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Twitter is constantly evolving its social network service and with the huge involvement of business in the realm of Twitter, Twitter is working hard to come up with services which are great for people who earn revenue through twitter updates.

Twitter has revealed that they will soon be releasing a free analytics dashboard for all their users to closely inspect and monitor how other people are interacting with tweets. This dashboard is planned to be released in the fourth and the last quarter of 2010, as foretold by Member of Twitter’s business development team Ross Hoffman. The team working behind this dashboard tool is the same one which worked behind Trendly, a Google Trends competitor. Trendly was acquired by Twitter back in the month of June this year. The dashboard will be aimed to tell you how your tweets are spreading across the Twitter network and which users or followers of your tweets account for most network and tweet spreading activity.
The great things about this analytics dashboard tool from Twitter is that it will be offered completely free of charge, which at the same time means bad business for companies which are already offering similar services on Twitter but charging their customers for using them. However, Twitter will also be launching a business version of the app which will not be free and users will have to pay in order to use more advanced dashboard features.
Let’s wait and find out how this new tool gets along with the Twitter community.

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