The Most Googled Women In 2012


The Most Googled Women On The Web in 2012


Google’s Funky Headquarters – London

Google new funky headquarters is open at the Convent Garden in London. designed by PENSON.The headquarters inside features are Lala Library, Gymnasium, Cafés & Restaurants, a Town Hall and many more things and the photography of this building is capture by the  PENSON.

Google logos – Do u know who makes them????

Mother’s Day

Father’s Day
Women’s Day
National Library Day
St. Patrick’s Day
St. George’s Day
Da Vinci’s Birthday
Michelangelo’s Birthday
Einstein’s Birthday
Dragon’s day
Alfred Hitchcock’s Birthday
Earth Day
Valentine’s Day
Water Day
National Teachers Day
Invention of the First Laser
Alexander Graham Bell’s Birthday
Leap Year
Happy New Year & 25 Years of TCP/IP
“The Artist” of the Google Logos:
Dennis Hwang (Hwang Jung-moak), a 23-year-old Korean computer artist in the United States , who has been drawing the face of Google for almost two years, creating a buzz of sorts with his simple yet witty designs.

Child attacker wins defamation case against Google

A French man sued Google because typing in his name resulted in search suggestions for “rapist,” “satanist,” “rape,” and “prison.” The court today ruled against Google in the defamation suit.

In what could either be a landmark ruling or one of the most easily overturned decisions ever, the French court ordered Google to 5,000 euros ($6734) in damages.

French man sued Google because typing in his name resulted in search suggestions for “rapist,” “satanist,” “rape,” and “prison.” The court today ruled against Google in the defamation suit.
The man, whose name has not been publicly released, was reportedly found guilty earlier this year for counts of “corruption of a minor.” As a result, when users punch in his name in Google’s search bar, the engine pops up with search suggestions like “rape” and “rapist.”
The man sued over this, and won. The court found that Google was guilty of “public slandering of a private individual.”
The ruling ordered Google to remove the “harmful” suggestions from its site and ordered the company to enact measures such that it couldn’t happen again.
First off, these suggestions are algorithm-based and not something Google did out of malice or ill intent. Secondly, apparently there’s no such thing as “truth” for defense against defamation in France. Even the largest Google cynics must surely see this ruling is crazy on the face of it. As expected, Google is appealing the decision.
“These searches are algorithmically determined based on a number of purely objective factors including (the) popularity of search terms. Google does not suggest these terms. All of the queries shown in Autocomplete have been typed previously by other Google users,” said Google in a statement.

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