Software searches for faces online

A new program will soon be released which can scan social networks for pictures of particular individuals. (more…)

Child attacker wins defamation case against Google

A French man sued Google because typing in his name resulted in search suggestions for “rapist,” “satanist,” “rape,” and “prison.” The court today ruled against Google in the defamation suit.

In what could either be a landmark ruling or one of the most easily overturned decisions ever, the French court ordered Google to 5,000 euros ($6734) in damages.

French man sued Google because typing in his name resulted in search suggestions for “rapist,” “satanist,” “rape,” and “prison.” The court today ruled against Google in the defamation suit.
The man, whose name has not been publicly released, was reportedly found guilty earlier this year for counts of “corruption of a minor.” As a result, when users punch in his name in Google’s search bar, the engine pops up with search suggestions like “rape” and “rapist.”
The man sued over this, and won. The court found that Google was guilty of “public slandering of a private individual.”
The ruling ordered Google to remove the “harmful” suggestions from its site and ordered the company to enact measures such that it couldn’t happen again.
First off, these suggestions are algorithm-based and not something Google did out of malice or ill intent. Secondly, apparently there’s no such thing as “truth” for defense against defamation in France. Even the largest Google cynics must surely see this ruling is crazy on the face of it. As expected, Google is appealing the decision.
“These searches are algorithmically determined based on a number of purely objective factors including (the) popularity of search terms. Google does not suggest these terms. All of the queries shown in Autocomplete have been typed previously by other Google users,” said Google in a statement.

Twitter to Launch Real Time Analytics Service?

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Twitter is constantly evolving its social network service and with the huge involvement of business in the realm of Twitter, Twitter is working hard to come up with services which are great for people who earn revenue through twitter updates.

Twitter has revealed that they will soon be releasing a free analytics dashboard for all their users to closely inspect and monitor how other people are interacting with tweets. This dashboard is planned to be released in the fourth and the last quarter of 2010, as foretold by Member of Twitter’s business development team Ross Hoffman. The team working behind this dashboard tool is the same one which worked behind Trendly, a Google Trends competitor. Trendly was acquired by Twitter back in the month of June this year. The dashboard will be aimed to tell you how your tweets are spreading across the Twitter network and which users or followers of your tweets account for most network and tweet spreading activity.
The great things about this analytics dashboard tool from Twitter is that it will be offered completely free of charge, which at the same time means bad business for companies which are already offering similar services on Twitter but charging their customers for using them. However, Twitter will also be launching a business version of the app which will not be free and users will have to pay in order to use more advanced dashboard features.
Let’s wait and find out how this new tool gets along with the Twitter community.

The best, most productive & Free open source applications of 2010 ready open source applications are far too few and evaluating them is sometime very tough deal. To find out the best and most productive among the open source enterprise applications one has to invest a lot of effort and time and has to install them for evaluation. 

Well worry not,  Info World’s Best of Open Source Software Awards (aka Bossies), chosen annually by Test Center editors and reviewers, recognize the best open source software for business users. This year’s top picks among applications include standouts in ERP and CRM software, BI and reporting, content and document management, search, and wiki collaboration. Well what else you need… read on to read about the winning projects.
  1. Openbravo ERP

    openbravo-logo-287X81Openbravo ERP is an ERP package that combines finance, sales, purchasing, and inventory modules. A free community edition and an extensive professional version are available through commercial license.
    License: Openbravo Public License

  2. SugarCRM

    sugarcrm logo large thumb The best, most productive & Free open source applications of 2010Still the best in open source CRM, Sugar community and commercial editions combine salesforce automation and customer support and offer easy extensibility through plug-ins. The professional and enterprise editions come with advanced features such as more sophisticated reports, workflow automation, a customer portal, and mobile access, though most of the sophisticated plug-ins also come at a price.
    License: SugarCRM Public License

  3. Pentaho BI Suite

    pentaho-328203_logo-clearbackground The Pentaho BI Suite bundles ETL, OLAP, reporting, and dashboards in a free community edition, with some advanced functionality, professional support, and software maintenance available through an enterprise edition. This year’s 3.6 release simplified report building, disconnecting the process from the underlying OS to allow users to format to any printer. A new drag-and-drop data pallet speeds the creation of reports, while new access to BI server functions through environmental variables means saying goodbye to tedious manual coding.
    License: GPL v2

  4. Alfresco

    Alfresco-logoAlfresco Community Edition did its open source developers proud this year by becoming the first enterprise content management system to boast CMIS 1.0 compliance. (OASIS Content Management Interoperability Services provides a vendor-neutral Web services interface for sharing data with the likes of Outlook and Drupal, for example.) Strong on both document management and Web publishing, Alfresco’s recent 3.3 release adds a rules library for content automation and more dynamic query options
    License: GPL v2

  5. Drupal – CMS for the Web

    drupal-logo1Whereas a full-blown ECM like Alfresco combines document and Web content management, PHP-based Drupal focuses exclusively on the Web. The open source project combines a mature Web CMS with blogs, content syndication, discussion forums, community features, and extensibility through thousands of add-on modules.
    License: GPL v2

  6. WordPress

     wordpress-logo-hoz-rgbWordPress has always been an excellent entry-level blogging and content management system (CMS). With the release of the new version 3.0, WordPress finally merges the multiuser version into the main code branch, making it easier to host multiple WordPress sites on a single installation. Version 3.0 also adds easy navigation menu configuration, custom post types, taxonomies for easier customization, and APIs that let you add custom backgrounds, headers, and footers more easily than in previous versions
    License: GPLWordPress

  7. LogicalDoc

    LogicalDOC blogspot logo thumb The best, most productive & Free open source applications of 2010The Java-based LogicalDoc document management system delivers speedy indexing and browser-based search into document libraries. In addition to keyword drill-down and versioning control (replete with comments and alerts on document changes), new features such as search bookmarks, email cataloging, and workflow history round out the essential feature set. On its own, LogicalDoc is rather a lightweight uni-tasker, with a plug-in for rudimentary workflow, but its simplicity masks the power of the underlying Apache Lucene indexing engine that doc searchers will love.
    License: LGPL v3

  8. Wiki CMS Groupware

    Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Logo thumb The best, most productive & Free open source applications of 2010 Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is a powerful, integrated, Web-based application. It can build and maintain websites, wikis, groupware, CMSes, forums, blogs, and bug trackers, as well as make them multilingual. While not as widely supported and adopted as MediaWiki, Tiki Wiki is easier to use for publications and documentation sites that are not appropriate for the classic wiki model that allows anyone to edit the content; in Tiki Wiki, a fine-grained role-based privilege system allows you to set up a site in which, for example, readers may leave comments (moderated or not) while editors can approve comments and create and edit articles. Revision tracking is turned on by default and can be enhanced by turning on a workflow system
    License: LGPL

  9. Apache Solr

    apache solr logo thumb The best, most productive & Free open source applications of 2010 While search engines have transformed the online world as we know it, there is no doubt that companies and research groups can be well served by running their own search engines and creating custom presentations of results. Solr gives them the tools to do this in a fast, scalable implementation that handles rich documents easily, and it can run on any platform that supports Java. It also offers distributed search, replication of results, and developer access via numerous languages and protocols.
    License: Apache License 2.0



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